Cindy Fraley-Hunter

Contributing writer

By Cindy Fraley-Hunter

Contributing writer

Cindy Fraley-Hunter is a biohacking corporate safety & wellness manager, wife, and mom. She strives to have the best health to enjoy her family, outdoor activities, and travel, and she prioritizes high quality, organic, and clean ingredients in her routine.

Portrait of a Woman in Her 50s

Image by Vera Lair / Stocksy

July 22, 2023

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Even though I may be nearing my 50th birthday, you wouldn’t know it given how active I am day to day. While my lifestyle isn’t slowing down anytime soon, my energy levels do need a bit more support in order to fuel the active routine I love so much. 

Personally, focusing on maintaining a healthy gut has made all the difference in how I feel—including my steady, sustained energy. After years of hard work optimizing my gut microbiome, I’m committed to maintaining its balance. Here, my secret weapon. 


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Why I started using mbg beauty & gut collagen+

Dave Asprey, a world-renowned biohacker, host of the health podcast The Human Upgrade, and New York Times bestselling author of The Bulletproof Diet, played a significant role in my health and well-being journey. As a trusted resource, I always appreciate Asprey’s recommendations on the best products, practices, and foods for a healthy, balanced gut. 

So when Asprey raved about the mbg beauty & gut collagen+, I knew I had to give it a try. I ordered one bag of the unflavored variety as well as the chocolate option (which is rich and oh-so-tasty). Not only do I take the collagen every day, but I also share it with my husband and even sprinkle it into pumpkin muffins I often make for the whole family. 

While I knew that ingredients like collagen peptides and L-glutamine are A+ for gut support, I didn’t realize how much I would appreciate the additional skin-loving ingredients in this blend.* Hyaluronic acid, vitamins C and E, biotin, and turmeric are all-star players in the formula, which makes mbg’s collagen powder well worth the price (it’s a true bang for my buck). 


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My experience

While I find enough comfort knowing that these research-backed ingredients support my gut and skin health internally, I also experienced some particularly noticeable results.* 

For instance, swimming is one of my favorite ways to stay active, but unfortunately, chlorine tends to dry out my skin. This year, however, I’ve noticed a bump in overall skin hydration, especially post-swim. Thanks to the collagen peptides and hyaluronic acid in the beauty & gut collagen+ formula, my skin is more resilient to the frequent dryness I experienced previously.*

What’s more, my gut health has stayed balanced, which means my energy levels are at an all-time high. I feel ready to take on whatever activity comes my way, knowing my gut and energy stay supported from the inside out. 

The takeaway

While I may not feel like I’m approaching my 50th birthday, I know my body is physically aging and can benefit from a little extra support.* After spending so many years optimizing my gut health, I was quick to opt for a trustworthy supplement like beauty & gut collagen+ for gut health maintenance as well as overall skin support—and the results are 100% worth the investment.*

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.