Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

woman lighting birthday candles

Image by Sean Locke / Stocksy

July 21, 2023

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Numerology can help clue you into your life’s purpose and destiny, so you can make choices that align with your soul’s path. But more specifically, numerology can also tell you about the year you’re going to have—and that’s where your personal year number comes in.

Here’s how to find yours, plus what each personal year cycle represents.


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What is the personal year cycle?

Your personal year cycle represents the cyclical patterns, themes, and energy you will experience each year, according to numerologist and author of You Are Cosmic Code, Kaitlyn Kaerhart.

“By knowing the nature of the cycle you are in,” she says, “you will have a greater awareness of the energy that is most supportive at any given time, and how to make that energy work for you.”

You can use your personal year number to chart your growth, for instance, determine what projects to focus on, and know when to take action versus when to rest. The personal year cycle you’re in can also help you understand the best times for dealing with love and money, when you’re most magnetic, and more, Kaehart explains.


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How to find your personal year number

According to Kaerhart, each new cycle begins at the start of the new year on January 1 and ends on December 31. Here’s how to figure out yours.

Starting with your date of birth (just the month and day), reduce them to get two single digits by adding the digits together. For example, the birthday December 14 would be 12 (month) and 14 (day). 12 reduces to 3 because 1 + 2 = 3, and 14 reduces to 5 because 1 + 4 = 5.

From there, determine the current universal year, which is found by reducing the digits of the year to a single digit. The year 2023, for instance, is a universal year 7, because 2 + 2 + 0 + 3 = 7.

Then, add up your three single digits (in the case of the December 14 birthday, it would be 3 + 5 + 7, which equals 15. From there, 1 + 5 = 6, so this birthday would be in a personal year 6 in 2023.

Personal year number meanings

Personal year 1

Just as the number 1 is the first single digit, personal year 1 cycles are full of new beginnings. As Kaerhart notes, you can expect to start projects, find opportunities, and lean into your independence during this year.

During personal year 1 cycles, you might find it a bit more difficult to nurture your relationships, as you prioritize yourself and what you want to do. This can be a very liberating time, but it can also be lonely—the purpose of this year is ultimately to help you connect deeper with yourself.


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Personal year 2

Unlike a personal year 1, personal year 2s are all about relationships, balance, and cooperation, according to Kaerhart. This is also a number that likes to take its time, so she adds these years tend to be more slow and steady than action-packed.

During a personal year 2 cycle, you might find it easier to make friends and get along with people in general, and it’s also a good year to foster romantic relationships as well. Patience is a virtue during this cycle, especially to avoid the stress that can come during this year.

Personal year 3

In numerology, the number 3 is the number of communication, so that’s what you can expect in a personal year 3 cycle. As Kaerhart notes, this is a fast-paced year focused on creativity and the exchange of ideas—you might have a lot to say or learn in this year.

During a personal year 3 cycle, you may also find you’re particularly interested in different hobbies or expressing yourself, just be careful to avoid so much information that it scatters your mind.


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Personal year 4

The number 4 in numerology is considered a builder—of foundations, organization, and practicality. As such, 4 years are ones of hard work and breakthroughs, where you’re focused on the things that keep you rooted and stable, according to Kaerhart.

While this time period might not be the most exciting or free-spirited, it is action-packed in the sense that you’ll be striving hard towards your efforts—just don’t overdo it. Personal year 4 cycles can be extremely fruitful, but can also lead to burnout.

Personal year 5

In numerology, the number 5 relates to change, and a personal year 5 cycle is no different. As Kaerhart tells mindbodygreen, “Personal year 5s are years of change, new experiences, and inner freedom.

Marking the “halfway point” between 1 and 9, the 5 represents turning a new leaf after the previous four numbers, and in this year, you integrate and change your life based on all you’ve recently learned. While it’s not always easy, change is inevitable, so try to embrace it during this cycle.


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Personal year 6

The 6 in numerology carries a vibration of love and family. During this personal year cycle, Kaerhart notes it’s “a year centered on relationships, love, healing, and magnetism.” That is, you’ll be particularly magnetic and open to people—and they might take that as an opportunity to lean on you for support.

But during this year cycle, you won’t mind helping at all. In fact, you’ll actually feel inclined to extend a hand to anyone who needs it, so just remember the golden rule of putting on your own lifejacket before anyone else’s.

Personal year 7

The number of spirituality and wisdom-seeking, the personal year 7 cycle is one of introspection and spiritual learning. Kaerhart explains that you’ll be much more inward focused during this cycle, prioritizing gathering knowledge and connecting to your sense of connection to something greater than yourself.

Wisdom is wonderful, and you will likely gain some during this cycle, but sometimes it comes at a cost. The strongest lessons are often those learned the hard way, and plenty of emotions are sure to come up as your soul advances during this cycle.

Personal year 8

After all the introspection and wisdom gained in your personal year 7, you arrive in your personal year 8 cycle, which Kaerhart says is one of achievement, finances, and developing personal power.

The number 8 in numerology is considered the most powerful and abundant, but only if there’s balance involved. You might have a windfall during this cycle, but if your life is out of balance, things could go in the opposite direction, and you might feel like you’re running up against a wall a lot of the time.

Personal year 9

Last but not least, we have the personal year 9 cycle. As you might have guessed, this is the last single digit, so it marks a period of finalities. As Kaerhart explains, it’s a time of endings, completion, and taking stock, before your next new beginning starts the following year.

This is a time to let go and release all the things that have built up over the past nine years, whether that looks like ditching old habits or relationships that aren’t serving you, or feeling the need to spend time doing soul searching to figure out the next course of action. It can be a confusing time, but one that ultimately sets the stage for what’s next.


How do I find my personal year number?

Starting with your date of birth (just the month and day), reduce them both individually to get two single digits. From there, determine the current universal year, which is found by reducing the digits of the year to a single digit. Then, add up your three single digits to get your personal year number.

Does my personal year start on my birthday?

Some numerologists say your personal year starts on your birthday, while others say it starts on January 1 with the new calendar year.

How do personal years work?

Your personal year cycle (determined by your birthday and the universal year number) represents the cyclical patterns, themes, and energy you will experience each year.

The takeaway

Numerology can offer us info on everything from our life path to what our house number says about our home—and it doesn’t stop there. To figure out how best to navigate the year you’re in, pay attention to your personal year cycle and try to work with it, instead of against it.