The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

weekly horoscope 3/17/23

Image by Helen Ast / unsplash

July 15, 2023

With a new moon in Cancer and the north and south nodes shifting to a new axis, we’re in for an eventful week in the cosmos. Here’s your horoscope.


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Monday’s new moon in Cancer (2:31 PM EDT) kicks the week off on a warm-fuzzy note

Serve it up family style! Warm-fuzzy vibing is on the menu as the new moon in Cancer beams its nurturing energy into the ether. Who are the stars of your innermost circle? It’s easy to take those unwavering supporters for granted, but today, treat them like VIPs.

Feeling drained from too much giving? Maybe you’ve forgotten where other people’s “shells” end and yours begins. Turn up the volume on self-care and begin a practice of saying “no” to requests that are certain to exhaust you. Besides, there are pool parties and beach weekends to enjoy, as this watery lunation reminds.

This domestic new moon could reveal a dream listing or inspire a remodel or decorating spree. Time to clear some negativity from your space? La luna’s opposition to shadowy Pluto and a harmonious trine to spiritual Neptune sets the stage for feng shui, a deep decluttering, or a house-blessing ritual.


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NBD, but our collective destiny shifts on Monday as the lunar nodes move into Aries & Libra for 18 months

Do your relationships support your personal growth or are other people’s dreams crowding out your goals? The balance between “mine” and “ours” hits a critical tipping point starting Monday as the lunar nodes shift into Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) until January 11, 2025.

Take inventory of your inner circle and cut ties with the energy vampires. But note that the real evolution comes from owning the role you’ve been playing in any lopsided dynamics.

The Aries North Node inspires new levels of confidence and leadership. Simultaneously, the Libra South Node delivers a scathing review of any unproductive relationship habits, such as people-pleasing, stonewalling, or trauma bonding.

As you stretch into Aries’ self-authorized terrain, how can you assert yourself with Libra’s love, grace and dignity? Get ready to learn! This important cycle hasn’t come around for nearly two decades, helping us all unlock the fine art of diplomatic negotiation.

Dream big, then run those visions through a reality filter on Wednesday

The universe has its eyes and ears open, so get in front of it and speak your desires into existence. The Sun and spiritual Neptune connect this Wednesday, opening a window to manifest your “impossible” dreams and innermost wishes. And stay open to miracles! Someone close to you, whether it’s a friend or a collaborative coworker, could have the perfect serendipitous solution.

Pro tip: Be as detailed as you can about what you’re looking for and request that these blessings arrive with grace and ease.

One catch: When vigilant Mars in Virgo faces off with censuring Saturn in Pisces, you may be forced to pull the emergency brake to avoid veering off course. We’d never suggest you give up a dream, even when obstacles are showing up left, right and center. Plant your feet as you hatch your lofty plans.

Use the slower pace to ground your vision with market tests, solid research, or a rebalanced budget. Call up a trusted mentor and seek advice from seasoned pros. Once you circle back on the details, success will be yours for the launching!


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Big Leo energy pervades the weekend with the Sun and Venus retrograde

All the world’s a catwalk as the Sun struts into glamorous Leo this Saturday for its yearly four-week show. This annual solar cycle is high season for all things glamorous, romantic and creative. Does your name belong in lights? Or maybe a history book or the hall of fame? Visualize it, then start positioning your personal “brand” for that ascent.

Need some inspiration? Do some competitive research analysis. What are the ballers in your industry doing? How would YOU put your own unique spin on this? If you have a finished product to promote, put a final coat of high-gloss polish on it, then, schedule your big reveal!

There’s only one catch: Venus turns retrograde in Leo on Saturday, too, backing up through the lion’s den until September 3. During this cycle, the planet of love, beauty and romance shifts from being an “evening star” (appearing at dusk) to a “morning star” (glimmering in the sky just before dawn).

Metaphorically, this is a key time to assess your love life and think about what issues you’d like to put to bed. Maybe it’s time to say “ni-night” to a habit of dating financially draining users or coddling your messy spouse instead of insisting they help clean up.

Since retrogrades bring back the past, don’t be surprised if an ex resurfaces out of the blue. A problem you thought was resolved in a relationship could flare up again. Obsessing over you-know-who? During this befuddling backspin, you could waste hours trying to strategize your next best move. Instead of fanning the flames, reach out to get the right help and support.

Thankfully, Venus only turns retrograde every 18 months—and it doesn’t have to dump rain on your summer lovin’ parade! Nostalgia is the magic elixir. Do things that revive a bygone era, like revisiting a place you haven’t been to since the honeymoon phase.

One more call for emotional repair work comes Sunday when “wounded healer” comet Chiron spins retrograde

Wounded healer Chiron slips into its annual retrograde on Sunday, July 23, backing up through self-aware Aries until December 6. During its journey through the Ram’s realm (2018-2027) the “wounded healer” comet is teaching us all lessons in self-empowerment and the constructive use of anger. (Arguably, the world’s got a long way to go with that!)

If you’re feeling silenced, shut down, or resentful, this backspin provides an important window for introspection. Are you using the power of your voice to silence or dominate others? If you’ve been playing a game of “the person who speaks the loudest wins,” switch your strategy to active listening, where the goal is to understand rather than respond.

For those who feel perpetually talked over, this retrograde gets you closer to the core of any confidence issues that may be standing in the way of your self-expression.

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.


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