Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

silhouette of people in front of purple sky and moon

July 2, 2023

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A full moon in Capricorn is headed our way, and this month, it also happens to be a super moon, which will heighten those lunar vibes even more. Each full moon is the culmination of its respective lunar cycle, and this one closes out a six-month chapter that began on the Capricorn new moon back in December. 

Here’s what to know about the astrology behind this full moon, plus how to work with it.


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The astrology behind this month’s full moon in Capricorn

The full moon arrives this Monday, July 3 at 7:39 a.m. EST in the sign of stern and serious Capricorn. As astrology expert Imani Quinn tells mindbodygreen, Capricorn is all about longterm goals, while July’s full moon is also known as the “Buck Moon.”

It’s named as such because around this time of year, male deer’s antlers reach their full growth, Quinn explains, adding this parallel speaks to the energy of this full moon as well. “It’s a reminder of what’s coming into full maturity in your life right now. Capricorn is success-oriented and focused on hard work, so you’re paying attention to what you’ve been putting effort into—and what has culminated,” she says.

Meanwhile, of course, we are still the midst of Cancer season, the opposite sign of Capricorn. As Quinn explains, these opposing energies have us residing in both our heads and our hearts. And according to her, it offers us an opportunity to make sure both of them are aligning.

“Since the full moon is about letting go and releasing what doesn’t serve us, what do you find within the head and heart that aren’t aligning? And what is being asked to let go?” she suggests asking yourself.

With this Cancer-Capricorn complementation underway, she adds, nurturing yourself will be of utmost importance. “Stay the course on your vision and don’t lose sight of your purpose, and [remember] you also need your love the most,” Quinn explains.

How to work with this energy


Write a list of what you want to release

Thinking about Capricorn themes of longterm goals, ask yourself what needs to be released in order for you to get there. Quinn advises making a list of these things on a piece of paper, and then safely burning it, for a full moon ritual.

She recommends having water nearby, in part for protection, but also for alkalizing your ritual under this full moon as you burn what you’re intending to let go.


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Get in touch with your emotions

Because this full moon is falling during a water sign season, Quinn also recommends getting in touch with your feelings, however that looks for you.

Perhaps you drop in with some breathwork, take a spiritual bath, meditate, or do some journaling. In any case, she says, just do something “that allows you to sit and contemplate on the things that you’re feeling and what’s coming up, and then writing it down and being present for that process.”


Reconnect with your purpose

Lastly, according to Quinn, Capricorn feels a strong sense of purpose, so tap into that under these moon beams. Lean into Capricorn’s disciplined nature by doing something to get in touch with that passion and purpose, with Quinn suggesting vision boarding, for example, or even a visualization meditation.

The takeaway

Under the full super moon beams of Capricorn, we’ll all feel a reinvigorated sense of drive, mission, and purpose for the longterm. Sometimes, though, it’s more the things we need to release than the things we need to do that can help get us there.


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