Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Image by Sergey Filimonov / Stocksy

June 22, 2023

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It’s normal to spend some time reflecting on a situation where you didn’t get the outcome you were hoping for, but when that reflection becomes perpetual and obsessive, it is no longer reflection—it’s rumination.

Here’s what rumination is all about, why it can be harmful, and 13 ways to finally stop, according to mental health experts.


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What is rumination?

Rumination is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “the action or process of thinking deeply about something,” but in the mental health world, rumination is repetitive dwelling on negative thoughts and feelings.

According to research1, there are actually four types of rumination:

  • Reflection: Analytical reflection that helps a person figure out solutions
  • Deliberate: Looking at a situation from all sides to come to a well-rounded conclusion
  • Intrusive: Repetitive intrusive thoughts that are hard to control
  • Brooding: Repetitive negative thought patterns and feelings


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Of course, reflective and/or deliberate rumination are not always bad, and can even help you learn from the things you’ve experienced. But as licensed psychotherapist Babita Spinelli, L.P. tells mindbodygreen, when rumination turns intrusive or brooding, you can think of it like “being on a hamster wheel of a negative thought patterns, creating anxiety, phobias, OCD, and depression.”

And from there, according to neuroscientist Tara Swart, M.D., Ph.D., rumination can actually lead to self-fulfilling prophecies, in which we subconsciously confirm and repeat the same negative thoughts and feelings over and over again. “The more we ruminate on these thoughts, the more we embed brain pathways that hold these as true,” Swart previously told mindbodygreen.

As you might imagine, a nasty rumination habit can take a major toll on your mental health. One 2020 analysis2 of existing rumination research has shown that ruminating can lead to worsened mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, psychosis, insomnia, and impulsive behaviors.

It’s also been found to magnify and prolong both bad moods and the body’s stress response, negatively impact problem-solving, and even interfere with therapy and psychological interventions.

13 ways to stop ruminating


Find healthy distractions

According to Spinelli, if you find yourself ruminating, consider it an invitation to change up whatever you’re doing in that moment. If you’re just sitting there stewing, for instance, “Switch gears by participating in an activity, [like a] puzzle, game, going out with a friend, watching a movie, etc.,” Spinelli says.


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Get to know your triggers

We all have different triggers, and you might start noticing that certain things trigger you into ruminating more than others. “Notice the triggers and start to set boundaries,” Spinelli suggests, adding, “For example, social media or doomscrolling can be an individual’s trigger. Set a boundary and limit those triggers.”

If you want to stop ruminating, you have to notice that you’re doing it in the first place, and that’s where mindfulness comes in. “Mindfulness practices are proven to be helpful in managing overthinking and disruptive thoughts,” licensed therapist Kimberly Martin, LMFT, previously told mindbodygreen, adding, “Mindfulness practices could be any healthy activity/skill that allows you to practice shifting your mind to the present moment rather than in the past or the future.”


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Physical activity and exercise can distract and lessen rumination, according to Spinelli, while also increasing serotonin and dopamine levels, which helps the negative thought cycles.

And as licensed therapist Cynthia Siadat, LCSW previously told mindbodygreen, when you realize you’re ruminating, she highly recommends doing activities that involve being engaged physically, such as:

  • Practical movement, like standing up and walking to a different room, or house-cleaning
  • Physical-health-related movement, like drinking a glass of water or exercising
  • Joyful movement, like dancing or wiggling


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If you’ve ever taken in a star-studded sky or a breathtaking landscape and felt like all of your problems seemed significant, you might want to do that the next time you’re ruminating. As Spinelli says, “Getting out into nature is incredibly healing and helps us to see the bigger picture.”


Challenge your negative thoughts

According to clinical neuroscientist psychiatrist Daniel Amen, M.D., another easy way to put a stop to rumination is to reason with your negative thoughts.

“Whenever you feel sad, mad, worried, nervous, or out of control, write down the negative thought [and] talk back to it,” he previously wrote for mindbodygreen, adding, “Talking back to the thought takes away its power. Challenging your negativity with rational, honest thinking is a powerful tool that can improve your brain function, boost your mood, and enhance your life.”


Go to a different location (or change something about the location you’re in)

Certain rooms or spaces might just be the thing that’s triggering you to ruminate, so Martin suggests going to a different spot, or even changing something about the environment you’re in, to help your mind switch gears. “Playing some white noise or relaxing music can also help shift your mind, silence unwanted thoughts, and remind your brain to take a break,” she notes.


Learn how to accept and love who you already are

Rumination has long been associated with low self-esteem, perfectionism, and depression in research3, with all of those factors feeding off each other, creating a vicious cycle. Get curious about your relationship to perfectionism, and remember that no one has it all figured out.

Sometimes we put undo pressure on ourselves, and ruminating on those pressures only exacerbates already low self-esteem. Even when you can’t quite love yourself, learning how to accept yourself will bolster your ability to let go of negative thought patterns.


Get your thoughts out on paper

Even if you’re not big on journaling, when you’re dealing with rumination, giving those repetitive thoughts somewhere to go has been found in research to help reduce negative rumination and improve psychological adjustment.

One 2020 study on journaling and rumination4 even notes that expressive writing can “significantly reduce” depressive symptoms associated with rumination. They define expressive writing as “writing about emotionally upsetting experiences without paying attention to grammar or spelling.”


Grant yourself “worry time” for a part of the day

As Martin previously told mindbodygreen, scheduling “worry time” is a technique used in cognitive behavioral therapy to help table your worries until your scheduled worry time. “This prevents you from spending too much time dwelling on random worries that appear throughout the day,” she explains.

Here’s how she suggests doing it:

  1. Schedule “worry time” and add a time limit, preferably no more than 30 minutes. Use a timer if helpful.
  2. Make sure it’s not too close to bedtime.
  3. Let all your thoughts out, and think through all your worries during this time frame.
  4. Stop when the scheduled worry time is over.
  5. Throughout the day, write down any worrying thoughts as they come up so that you have them ready to review during the worry time. 
  6. At the next scheduled worry time, use previous notes to process and problem-solve the worries you had during your day.


Watch your caffeine intake

Sorry coffee lovers, but if you’re dealing with a rumination problem, holistic psychiatrist Ellen Vora, M.D. says you might want to cut back. “Caffeine promotes5 the release of cortisol (the stress hormone), triggering a stress response in the body,” she previously wrote for mindbodygreen, adding, “For some people, a stress response is synonymous with anxiety and panic, and it can contribute to other unpleasant states, such as mood swings and ruminations.”


Don’t be afraid to communicate

Depending on what you’re ruminating about, the situation might involve another person (a partner, friend, coworker, boss, etc.). In cases like this, open and honest communication can spare you a lot of grief in the form of rumination.

Rather than mulling over the situation over and over, open up a dialogue with the person and try to resolve the issue, so it can stop sucking up all your mental energy.


Speak with a mental health professional

And of course, Spinelli tells mindbodygreen, it’s never a bad idea to speak to a therapist or other mental health professional in order to both understand the roots of your rumination, and work on healthy coping mechanisms.


How do I stop obsessive rumination?

To stop obsessive rumination, speak with a mental health professional and use healthy tools like mindfulness, journaling, and self-acceptance.

What is obsessive rumination disorder?

Obsessive rumination disorder is associated with obsessive compulsive disorder and involves repeatedly going over the same thoughts, ideas, feelings, or themes.

What triggers rumination?

A number of things can trigger rumination depending on the individual, from a stressful or traumatic event, to perfectionism, to receiving bad news.

The takeaway

Rumination involves the repeated preoccupation with the same negative thoughts and feelings. It’s a habit that can have a negative impact on mental health when unchecked, but with the right coping mechanisms, it is possible to let the repetitive thoughts go and finally find peace of mind.