Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

new moon mountains and sky

Image by SASHA EVORY / Stocksy

June 17, 2023

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Whenever there’s a new moon, we feel a fresh surge of inspiration and energy, and this month’s new moon in the sign of the twins is like double the excitement. But as the moon squares off with hazy Neptune, things could get a little muddled. Here’s what to know.


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The astrology behind June’s new moon in Gemini

This month’s new moon arrives Sunday, June 18 at 12:37 a.m. EDT, in none other than the sign of Gemini. As astrology expert Imani Quinn tells mindbodygreen, new moons are always a time to start something new and fresh, and there’s nothing Gemini loves more than keeping things interesting, encouraging us all to get out there and mingle, and/or try something new.

There is a caveat, though. Neptune, the planet of illusion, will be forming a square to the sun, moon, and Mercury, which Quinn says could make things a bit hazy or confusing. And as the Astrotwins note in their weekly scope, “With boundary-blurring Neptune squaring this new moon, reserve judgment before declaring a new acquaintance your insta-BFF.”

They also add that this moon-Neptune square could make you feel more distract-able than usual, to which Quinn explains that you’ll want to double down on your discernment. “Be discerning with the new ventures and the new people you meet, but be mindful not to let fear rule you. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them and keep your boundaries in place when it feels necessary,” she says.

Speaking of boundaries, Saturn will be going retrograde in Pisces just before the new moon, which Quinn notes could bring some deeper spiritual lessons to the surface.

And if you’re wondering what the planet of love is up to, Quinn notes that it just recently moved into passionate and dramatic Leo. “This is a very fun-loving and social place for Venus to be, so combined with the new moon in charismatic Gemini, this is great energy for meeting new people, being courageous, and stepping out,” she explains.

All in all, this new moon asks us to lead our lives with curiosity and openness. Not only that, but given it’s the last new moon before the summer solstice, Quinn says this is a great opportunity to get clear on how you want your summer to go, and set some intentions.

How to work with this energy


Boost your intentions with candle or plant magic

New moons are the best time in the lunar cycle to set intentions, and you can boost them up with a ritual or two, according to Quinn. For this moon, she recommends candle and/or plant magic, which are both easy to work into your intention setting.

For candle magic, simply get a new candle, cleanse it energetically with smoke or sound before lighting, and then start burning it as you think about your intentions. Watch the candle as it burns, and notice as it reveals messages and stories to you in its flames. Always snuff your candle out (so you don’t “blow away” your intentions), and then think of your intentions every time you light the candle throughout this lunar cycle.

Plant magic works in a similar sense, in which you can think of your plant babies as a physical representation of your intentions. Every time you tend to them, think about your intentions and how you can help them grow.


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The nature of this new moon and Gemini season as a whole is to embrace new things, so Quinn says one of the easiest ways to lean into this energy is simply to try something new. Whether it’s checking out a new cafe near you, meeting up with a group of new acquaintances, or trying a workout you’ve never done before, nothing is off limits.

Lastly, Gemini is one of the headier, analytical signs of the zodiac. As such, you might have an excess of thoughts an ideas coming to you under this new moon, so journaling is a great way to get them out on paper.

And not only that, but Quinn notes that journaling can be another great way to connect to your intentions and visualize how you want your summer to play out.

The takeaway

Whether you spend this Gemini new moon galavanting with your newest friends or doing any of your favorite new moon rituals, the big key to this moon is embracing the new while having the discernment to see through Neptune’s sometimes cloudy judgement.


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