The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

5 18 23 weekly horscope

Image by Azamat Mukanov / Stocksy

May 20, 2023

This is a week to get detail-oriented and beware of people trying to push you off course. Here’s your horoscope, from The AstroTwins.


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Is it really that big of a deal? Hard to tell this Monday, May 22.

Feelings and egos are bound to be inflated under a tense, annual standoff between fierce Mars in egocentric Leo and supersizer Jupiter in stubborn Taurus. As these two titans lock into a challenging 90º square, everything will seem disproportionately urgent, and it will be hard to temper reactions or find a moderate stance.

Narcissistic behavior could be on full display, and in general, people will be acting obnoxious and extra. Do your best not to add to the cacophony. Summon your patience, don’t interrupt, and slow down before bulldozing down every barrier. Feeling restless? This square could shake up a stagnant part of your life and embolden you to take a much-needed risk. Under this disruptive aspect, you may not have any other choice but to adapt to sudden momentum.

If there were ever a day to sweat the small stuff, Saturday’s it.

The waxing quarter moon in flaw-finding Virgo raises a magnifying glass to expose the tiniest mistakes. Though you may feel pressured to hand off a project, don’t rush through! You could overlook an important detail that winds up costing you time and money. Ask for help or clarification when you need it instead of trying to patch the dam. Give your work a healthy once-over before sending it off. (You may win points for its perfection!) While you’re at it, assess your wellness with an equally keen eye. Summer’s right around the corner and the clean, green influence of Virgo is here to help energize you for it!


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Were your plans too ambitious? Recalibrate on Sunday.

A cosmic standoff between inspector Saturn in Pisces and the confident Gemini Sun serves up a semiannual reality check. Don’t stop dreaming up new ideas. But before you tip too far into any “imagineering,” measure this against some of your material-world needs: time, money, and resources. Doing so might actually be heartening! With a tangible plan in place, something you thought was just a pipe dream could turn out to be far more doable than you realized. Take time to crunch the numbers and research the facts.

Check out your personal weekly horoscope here.


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