Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

April 26, 2023

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Whether you’re looking to do a bit of self-reflection, divination, or decision-making, working with a tarot deck can be a helpful practice. Each card in a traditional 78-card deck has a unique meaning, offering answers and insights into all your inquiries—and if you pulled the Hermit card in a reading, here’s what to know, according to tarot experts.


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What does the Hermit card mean?


  • Introspection
  • Contemplation
  • Inner reflection
  • The benefit of time spent alone


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  • Loneliness
  • Isolation
  • Withdrawal
  • Avoiding your inner world

With a name like “the Hermit,” you might already have an idea of what this card is all about: solitude. What you do with that solitude, however, is up to you.

As tarot expert and author of The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot Skye Alexander tells mindbodygreen, the Hermit typically depicts an elderly man holding a lantern to light the way. “He’s the wise sage, sometimes dressed in a monk’s robe, who serves as a guide and teacher on life’s journey,” she explains.

Generally speaking, this Major Arcana card represents a truth-seeker, and when he turns up in a reading, “it may mean you are engaged in your own quest for truth and knowledge—or should be,” Alexander notes.

And that quest, she adds, may very well require you to withdraw from the busyness of the outer world and turn inward for a while. In some cases, the Hermit may also represent a real person in your life.

In this case, according to Alexander, he signifies a teacher, counselor, or adviser. The Hermit may also suggest getting in touch with a spirit guide to lead you on your path, she explains.

Astrologically speaking, the Hermit could be linked with the planet Saturn, Alexander says, with Saturn teaching us by presenting challenges, hardship, work, and self-reliance. Some people also associate the Hermit with the sign of Virgo.

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What does it mean for love & relationships?

When pulled upright:

If you pull the Hermit upright in a reading about love or a romantic relationship, Alexander tells mindbodygreen it can mean you need some time alone—or that you could benefit from becoming more independent instead of relying on a partner.

“Perhaps you have some soul-searching to do in order to discover things about yourself,” she explains.


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When pulled in reverse:

In the case of pulling the Hermit in reverse in a love reading, Alexander says it may mean you’re avoiding getting in touch with yourself by immersing yourself in a partnership or that you’re putting a partner’s needs ahead of your own. “In some cases,” she adds, “it can represent leaving a relationship that’s no longer satisfying.”

What does it mean for professional & financial matters?

When pulled upright:

If you asked your deck about your job or financial situation, the upright Hermit suggests you’re “so caught up in your work and its demands that you’ve lost touch with your inner needs,” according to Alexander.

As she explains, you might benefit from taking some time off to regain balance and peace of mind when this card appears. It can also symbolize leaving a job to pursue an independent path, she notes.

And in the case of money, Alexander explains that the Hermit upright may be encouraging you to balance spiritual and material goals or even finding an adviser to help you handle your finances.


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When pulled in reverse:

In reverse, the Hermit in a career or money reading can indicate your focus on career success and/or financial security are interfering with your spiritual development, Alexander tells mindbodygreen.

“Maybe you’re using work as an excuse for avoiding self-reflection [and] in some cases, this card may indicate leaving a job that’s limiting your growth,” she adds.

What does it mean for challenges ahead?

When pulled upright:

Sometines we ask the cards about a problem we’re facing—or one we’ll need to watch out for in the future. In this case, pulling the upright Hermit suggests you should look within for guidance, Alexander says. “Your inner self knows the right path to take, but you can’t hear its ‘voice’ if you’re in turmoil,” she notes.

By putting some space between you and the problem, you’ll gain more clarity, Alexander suggests. “Sometimes, however,” she adds, “this card advises you to seek the counsel of someone more adept than you, perhaps a wise elder.”


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When pulled in reverse:

If you inquired about a current challenge or a future one, the reversed Hermit here suggests you’re rejecting advice or guidance that would help you deal with the situation, believing you know best, according to Alexander.

“The card may also describe a period of loneliness and isolation, when you feel no one is there to support you and you must rely on yourself,” she tells mindbodygreen.


What is the message of the Hermit in tarot?

The Hermit tarot card relates to themes around introspection, contemplation, and inner reflection, encouraging you to tap into your own inner wisdom and quiet the outside world.

What does the Hermit mean in love?

The Hermit card in a love reading can mean you need some time alone or that you could benefit from becoming more independent instead of relying on a partner.

What personality type is the Hermit tarot?

The Hermit represents the wise sage who serves as a guide and teacher on life’s journey. In some cases, he represents qualities you can lean into, and in others, he may represent a real person in your life.

The takeaway

Pulling the Hermit in a reading is a reminder that being alone doesn’t have to be lonely, and there is always much inner wisdom to be gained through quiet introspection. Just as the man depicted on the Hermit card can light the way of his own path, so, too, can we learn to become the wise sage of our own life.