Lauren David

By Lauren David

mbg Contributor

Lauren David is a Chilean-American freelance writer. She writes about gardening, food, health and wellness, and sustainability. She has been published in Allrecipes, Greatist, The Healthy, The Kitchn and more.

red tailed hawk flapping its wings with foliage background

Image by Alan Shapiro / Stocksy

April 25, 2023

Whether hawks are appearing in your dreams or you’re catching glimpses of them in flight, they may be communicating messages about success, knowing when to take action, or messages from another realm. Here’s what hawk symbolism can signify and what this winged animal may be sharing with you. 


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What do hawks symbolize?

Hawks are wise birds that soar gracefully, have incredible eyesight, and exude confidence and power. As professional psychic and astrologer Stina Garbis tells mindbodygreen, “Hawk represents clear vision and deep understanding and has a keen sense of where it is going,” adding that it can also represent intelligence, adaptability, courage, fierceness, and loyalty.

Even the expression “watching something like a hawk” provides powerful imagery of this creature, especially because hawks signify the importance of seeing what is really there and taking appropriate action accordingly, explains intuitive advisor and animal communicator, Shifra Nerenberg.

And beyond their general symbolism, hawks bear important meaning in many cultures and religions, as well. 

In Buddhism:

In Buddhism, according to celebrity psychic and esoteric expert, Inbaal Honigman, hawks represent “the union with the great spirit, and are seen as a go-between between the worlds of men and the other worlds.”


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In Hinduism:

In Hinduism, hawks have a strong association with rejuvenation, according to Honigman. 

In Christianity:

In Chrisitanity, according to Honigman, hawks symbolize wisdom.

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Keywords associated with hawks:

  • Clarity
  • Confidence
  • Intuition
  • Power
  • Protection
  • Messenger
  • Trust
  • Vision
  • Wisdom

6 spiritual meanings behind the hawk


Being too critical or judgmental

“Symbolically, [hawks] can indicate judgment or being overly critical of yourself and/or others,” Nerenberg explains, adding that like most bird symbolism, hawks correspond to the element of air, which is all about our mind (thoughts, intellect, perspectives, ideas, judgments, and interests).


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According to Honigman, the hawk can spiritually be seen as a messenger between worlds, as “a creature that can exist in different spiritual planes.”

Hawks are instinctual creatures and act based on their needs. “They’re unapologetically themselves, doing what they know to be right and true for them,” Nerenberg explains, adding, “In that way, hawks are great reminders to trust yourself by tuning into your inner truths, AKA intuition or your inner wisdom.” 


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Hawks can represent looking ahead and getting ready for new possibilities. “It can mean looking into the future and preparing for big changes that need direction,” says Garbis. 


Clarity and spiritual vision

Hawks have incredible eyesight and have the ability to see far distances. Honigman explains hawks’ ability to see clearly and cover a lot of distance represents foresight, clarity, and spiritual vision. 


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Lastly, hawks are birds of prey that have to be on the lookout for their next meal. According to Honigman, “The spiritual meaning of a hawk with its prey is successful attainment.” Garbis echoes this point, telling mindbodygreen she often sees hawks with prey and believes it represents abundance, “and that you’ll always be able to care for yourself and your family.”

 If hawks appear in your dreams

Understanding your dreams is an opportunity to gain intel and receive messages from your subconscious or guides. The way you feel in a dream provides the information, and reflecting on the emotions it brought up can provide insight as well.

Hawk dreams in particular can have powerful meanings, with Honigman explaining if you dream of hawks, “This could be a message from your inner self, reminding you that, like birds of prey, you cannot be tamed—you call the shots.”

Another meaning could be about trust and honoring your own knowledge. “The message might also be to remind you of your own innate wisdom,” says Honigman, adding that hawks are very intelligent “and if you’ve been mistrusting yourself and your personal judgment, the dream could offer you balance, and remind you of your true value.”  

The dream could also be letting you know changes are coming, according to Garbis, who tells mindbodygreen, “Consider life’s choices—perhaps there is a major shift or change ahead that needs attention.”

The main messages from dreamtime, according to Nerenberg, are found in the emotions it evokes and how it makes you feel. “The imagery is frequently more the vehicle that delivers the message than the exact symbolic meaning itself—though it can be both,” she adds. 

To get clear on what your dream is trying to tell you, jotting down anything you can remember can help you understand what the message may be. “Take a moment to journal about it—write down all the details, how you felt, what time of night it was exactly, and anything you can remember about the dream,” Honigman recommends. 

What to do if you keep seeing hawks

Continually seeing hawks is a way the universe is communicating with you. Hawk might be telling about gaining clarity on what you want, and to be trusting that you’ll know when to act. 

“When hawk shows up for you—in real life, in dreams, in repeated imagery—it’s a reminder to take your time and act with precision,” Nerenberg notes. “It’s better to wait, clearly see your way forward, and aim for your target with a plan in place than to take action without forethought.”

Garbis echoes this point, adding, “You will have the clear vision and wisdom of the hawk and will know what action to take when the time is right.” 

The message may also be encouragement to go after what you want. As Honigman explains, “This is a message from spirit that you should go for it—accomplish the dream. It tells you to not be afraid, and that you possess all the qualities needed to achieve success.”


What is the spiritual meaning of the hawk?

The spiritual meanings of the hawk can vary depending on the situation. Hawks represent changes, clarity, pursuing your goals and dreams, protection, and honoring your inner wisdom. Hawks are graceful yet powerful beings that go after what they need and want. 

What does it mean when a hawk visits you?

When a hawk visits you, this bird is communicating a message with you. The message might be about paying attention and reevaluating your needs or goals, or it might mean change is imminent.

What God does a hawk represent?

The hawk has been an important symbol in different religions. The hawk represents Horus, an Egyptian God that looks like a hawk, and in ancient Egyptian religion, represented the God Charon.

The takeaway

Each animal has a spiritual meaning. If hawks repeatedly make appearances in your waking life or dream state, these intelligent birds likely have a message for you. Hawk may be reminding you to trust yourself and your intuition, to be less critical, or that changes are on the horizon.