Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

full moon sign by sign

Graphic by mbg creative x mapodile / iStock

April 5, 2023

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Aries season is well underway, and this week, we have a full “Pink” moon in Libra coming in as the first full moon of the astrological year. Here’s the astrology behind what to expect from this full moon, plus how to work with it.


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The astrology behind this month’s full moon in Libra.

April’s full moon is in Libra this year, peaking just after midnight EST on April 6. And according to astrology expert Imani Quinn, Libra puts a lot of stock in its relationships, so we can all expect themes around partnership to come up under these moonbeams.

That said, we’re also still in Aries season, Libra’s opposite. “So Aries, being the sign of self, is allowing us to self reflect—and with it being a full moon in Libra, it’s having us self reflect on our relationships,” Quinn explains, adding, “That’s going to be an overwhelming theme during this full moon.”

And speaking of what Libra is all about, it’s also a harmony-oriented sign, which Quinn notes will encourage us to seek harmony and balance in our healing journeys. “Allow the hard stuff to come up so that things can naturally balance themselves out. Things will find their own natural balance, so instead of trying to control it, allow it to move though you,” she notes.

Beyond just the moon’s placement, we also have Chiron (the wounded healer) and Jupiter (the planet of luck and expansion) conjunct with the sun in Aries, which Quinn says will put our healing front and center, especially with regard to our relationships. We might feel Aries’ impulsivity and aggressiveness as triggers come up, so it will be important to mind your emotional reactions and triggers, and take the time to reflect on where these wounds come from within you.

“This allows you to move out of trauma responses, so overall, use this as a time to purge any limited beliefs, situations, or people in your life that are no longer aligned with you and your intentions of where you want to go,” Quinn tells mindbodygreen.

Luckily, some of this fiery Aries energy is nicely tempered by Venus, the planet of love, cozying up in the sign of Taurus, where it feels right at home. Relationships may feel like they’re being put to the test under this moon, but Venus in Taurus helps us remain grounded in what we truly need from our partners, so we can reflect with honesty and compassion for ourselves (and significant others).

How to work with this energy.

Because this is going to be a particularly relationship-forward moon, Quinn suggests setting aside intentional time to spend with your partner if you have one. Maybe this looks like a more casual date night, but keeping in mind the presence of Chiron under this moon, don’t be surprised if triggers come up.

Lean into the healing energy of this moon, and don’t be afraid to have more difficult conversations around needs being met or finding balance in your partnership. Again, as aforementioned, there’s no need to force here—let yourself move through these more uncomfortable periods so things can clear and recalibrate.

Even if you’re currently single, our friendships are important relationships too, so maybe you carve out some time to get together with a friend you’re close with in order to bring more gratitude into the relationship. “It’s a great time to spend time with folks who fulfill you, so you can tell the universe to give you more of that,” Quinn explains.

And in terms of rituals for releasing under this moon (which is what full moons are all about, after all), Quinn suggests a fire ritual since we’re in Aries season, such as burning a list of things you want to let go of.

This would also be a powerful moon for a ritual bath, to alchemize all the emotions that are being purged under this Pink moon. And of course, don’t forget to charge your favorite crystals in the moonlight, too, Quinn adds.


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The takeaway

While this full moon may bring up emotional triggers—especially in our relationships—it’s through our triggers that we uncover where growth and transformation can occur, so be sure to check out our sign-by-sign guide for this moon to understand exactly where these themes will be showing up for you.

But no matter your sign, this moon’s energy is ripe for being honest with ourselves and those closest to us, so we can move forward with more balance.


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